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Oliver Church of Christ
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The following information is available for Oliver Church of Christ:

Sunday: Bible Classes 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am 5:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm

Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for Oliver Church of Christ:

Wednesday:07:00 pm - 08:00 pm
Sunday:09:00 am - 11:00 am
05:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

Oliver Church of Christ can be found at the following address:

18270 Highway 72

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(256) 247-5700

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The Perfect Congregation I think that I shall never see A congregation that's all it ought to be; Where members never stray beyond the straight and narrow way. A congregation with no empty pews Whose preacher never has the blues. Where elders 'eld' and deacons 'deac' and none are proud, and all are meek. Where people never peddle lies, nor make complaints or criticize; Where all are always sweet and kind, And all to other's faults are blind. Such perfect congregation there may be, But none of them are known to me. But still let's work and pray and plan To make this church the best we can!


Low In the Grave He Lay” The beautiful hymn “Low In the Grave He Lay” was written by Robert Lowry in 1874, while he was living in Brooklyn, New York. Mr. Lowry was a prolific song writer, and he also penned “Shall We Gather at the River?” and “Nothing But the Blood.” He is credited with writing the music for “I Need Thee Every Hour,” ‘We’re Marching to Zion,” “All the Way My Savior Leads Me,” and “Savior, Thy Dying Love.” The beautiful words of “Low In the Grave He Lay” are as follows: ​Low in the grave He lay – Jesus, my Savior! ​Waiting the coming day – Jesus, my Lord! ​Vainly they watch His bed – Jesus, my Savior! ​Vainly they seal the dead – Jesus, my Lord! ​Death cannot keep his prey – Jesus my Savior! ​He tore the bars away – Jesus, my Lord! ​Chorus ​Up from the grave He arose, ​With a mighty triumph o’er His foes; ​He arose a Victor from the dark domain, ​And He lives forever with His saints to reign. ​He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, Christ arose! We realize that words written by men for hymns are not “inspired of God,” but songs like this one are “inspirational.” Jesus’ resurrection is not to be celebrated once a year. Rather, we remember Christ’s resurrection every first day of the week. This is why it is called the “Lord’s Day.” David O’Connell


My Bible and I ​We’ve traveled together, my Bible and I, ​Through all kinds of weather, with smile or with sigh! ​In sorrow or sunshine, in tempest or calm! ​Thy friendship unchanging, my lamp and my psalm. ​ ​We’ve traveled together, my Bible and I, ​When life had grown weary, and death e’en was nigh! ​But all through the darkness of mist or of wrong, ​I found there a solace, a prayer, and a song. ​So now who shall part us, my Bible and I? ​Shall “isms” or “schisms” or “new lights” who try? ​Shall shadow for substance, or stone for good bread, ​Supplant thy sound wisdom, give folly instead? ​Ah, no, my dear Bible, exponent of light! ​Thou sword of the spirit, put error to flight! ​And still through life’s journey, until my last sigh, ​We’ll travel together, my Bible and I. ​ - Charles Sandford ​ I was given this poem when I was a very young boy. It has meant much to me, and I pray it will be a blessing to your life. It certainly challenges us with the question: How important to me is the Bible? David O’Connell


Christ, the Light of the World The Lord spoke a very profound truth when He said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). Generally, light provides two great needs to humanity. First, light enables people to see objects already in existence. Second, light provides people with guidance in the dark. Spiritually, Christ fulfills both of these needs. Jesus enables us to see things as they really are, and Christ provides illumination in a world of darkness. What spiritual truths will Jesus (as the light) enable us to see? First, Christ allows us to see God. Jesus said, “He that has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). When we look at the life and teachings of Christ, we come to a full knowledge of God. Second, Christ enables us to see men as they really are. Christ knows all men (John 2:24) and knows what is in men (John 2:25). Christ makes it clear that the real life is not the physical life but the spiritual. He stated that man shall not live by “bread alone” (Matthew 4:4) and that all a man might possess is not worth as much as his soul (Matthew 16:26). Third, Christ enables mankind to see what separates God and man. Christ explicitly said, “Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil” (John 3:19). Jesus declared that He came to earth to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). This correlates with what Paul meant when he wrote: “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). The guidance which Christ provides gives people the ability to make it through the trials and tribulations of life. Human beings do not know how to live (Proverbs 14:12), and they need divine guidance or light to show them God’s ways and His direction. In this world of sin and darkness, we can thank God that He has provided Jesus, His Son, as the light of the world. We come in contact with the light when we come to believe in Christ as the Son of God, repent of our sins, confess our faith in Christ, and are baptized into Christ. Having done this, we then must walk in the light (I John 1:7). May we all come to know Jesus as the light and live in Him. David O’Connell


The Great Physician Owing to my own ailments this past week, I had some time to think about sickness and health in the Scriptures. Several medical issues come to mind very quickly. Paul had a thorn in the flesh (II Corinthians 12:7-9). Timothy had stomach problems (I Timothy 5:23). Paul left Trophimus at Miletus because he was ill (II Timothy 4:20). Jesus mentions physicians in a proverb (Luke 4:23). Our Lord talked about healthy people not needing a physician (Matthew 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31). Luke is called “the beloved physician” (Colossians 4:14). There are so many references in Scripture to Jesus healing people that we cannot list them all here. Possibly the most important reference to healing in God’s Word is the comparison of sin to disease or sickness. Israel is said to be in need of “healing” because of their sins (Psalms 6:2; Psalms 41:4; Hosea 7:1; Hosea 14:4). Isaiah 53:5 says the coming Messiah will bring healing, and this verse is later cited by Peter (I Peter 2:24). When we are sick, we all long to be well again. We take whatever medications the doctors prescribe, do whatever they tell us to do, refrain from any bad habits, etc. We should do the same with the “Great Physician.” As the old hymn beautifully says: “Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue, Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus.” He is the only cure for the worst disease in the word - sin. Let us be thankful that Jesus is the “Great Physician.” David O’Connell


9:00 AM Bible Study 10:00 AM Morning Worship 1:00 PM Evening Worship


The New Testament Church What is the church? When people use the word “church,” many different ideas come to mind. Some may think of a particular building where people meet to worship and call it “a church.” Some may think of a particular denomination and refer to it as “a church.” However, what does the New Testament teach about “the church?” First, one should know that the New Testament church is not a building or a meeting house. Paul affirmed that God does not “dwell in temples made with hands” (Acts 17:24). In reality, the church is a spiritual house (I Peter 2:5; I Timothy 3:15). It is made up of baptized believers (Acts 18:8). In this spiritual body, there is only one head, and that is Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23; Ephesians 5:23). People in the first century became members of the church by believing in Christ and being baptized into the body (or church) (I Corinthians 12:13). No one ever joined the church in the first century. No one ever voted on a penitent believer, and there were no admission policies. When people were saved from their sins, the Lord added the saved individuals to the church (Acts 2:47). Some people teach that being a member of the church is an optional matter. However, the Bible states that we are reconciled in Christ’s body (Ephesians 2:16) and that Christ’s body is the church (Ephesians 1:22-23). If church membership is not important, then reconciliation is not important. If reconciliation to God is not important, then we are still in our sins and have no hope of heaven. Thanks be to God for giving us the church (the body of Christ). Thanks be to God that we can be members of the church and enjoy the blessings of salvation. David O’Connell


What is Truth? During the trial before Pontius Pilate, Jesus said, “Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice” (John 18:37). To this, the Roman governor responded, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) This is an important question and one to which all people should give serious thought and contemplation. Truth is not determined by a person’s conscience. In other words, feeling right does not make it right. Also, one should realize that truth is not determined by formal decrees of men. No group of people, anywhere on the face of the earth, has the power or authority to determine truth. What is truth? What determines right and wrong? The answer is: Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul said, “The truth is in Jesus” (Ephesians 4:21). John wrote that Jesus was “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Jesus Himself declared, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). The Bible is truth because it is the accurate record of Christ, His life, and His teachings. In fact, the Savior stated in John 17:17: “Thy word is truth.” God’s truth has stood the test of time. One should not let prejudice hinder him from thoroughly investigating the Bible. If one would humbly search God’s Word, then he would see his own sinfulness, come to believe in Jesus as the Savior, repent of his sins, confess (or state) his faith in Christ, and then be buried with Christ in baptism for the remission of his sins. Having given his life in submission to Christ by obeying His gospel, one can then live the life of a Christian. Only such a life can make you a companion to truth. David O’Connell


Devices of Satan The apostle Paul warned the Corinthian brethren that they should be watchful “lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (II Corinthians 2:11). What are some of the devices (or schemes) that Satan uses? One of the devices Satan has is subtilty. Paul mentions this in II Corinthians 11:3, when he stated that Eve was fooled by the devil’s subtilty. A powerful tool that the devil uses is lying. Jesus stated that the devil was the “father of lies” (John 8:44). At the beginning of time, Satan lied to Eve and brought sin into the world (Genesis 3:1-21). Paul stated that Satan can appear to be an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14). By appearing to be innocent and pure as an angel, Satan fools many people who do not realize his wicked and diabolical nature. Another device that Satan has at his disposal is directly attacking God’s people. The Scriptures warn us that Satan is firing “fiery darts” at Christians (Ephesians 6:16). Some of these darts are false doctrine, discouragement, being weary in well doing, and disappointment. There are many other weapons Satan has that he uses against God’s people. May we all be on our guard and protect our most precious possession . . . our eternal soul. David O’Connell


2nd Annual Friday Night Singing


🎼🎼🎼Hope To See You Tonight🎼🎼🎼


🎼🎼🎼Only 2 More Days🎼🎼🎼


Somebody Up There Likes Me” The above is the title of a very popular movie from the 1950’s. It is the story of a fighter, Rocky Graziano. Throughout his troubled life, Graziano never seems to have any good fortune. He goes from reform school to prison to a dishonorable discharge from the Army, with many other problems along the way. Finally, he begins a boxing career, which culminates in Graziano becoming the Welter Weight Champion of the World. When asked how he achieved his success, he utters the famous line: “I guess somebody up there likes me.” While it is good for there to be an acknowledgement of heaven being involved in one’s life, there is a greater statement the Christian can make. The child of God realizes the words of Jesus: “Lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20). The Hebrew writer gives the same thought when he writes: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Claiming some ambiguous aid from heaven is good, but it is so much better and of greater comfort to know that the Lord Jesus Christ is with the child of God. David O’Connell


🎼🎼🎼Only one week away🎼🎼🎼


The Courage to be Unpopular Last Sunday night, I read part of an article that Billy and Marla Leone gave me. I was asked to reprint it, and below is a part of it. I am not sure of the author, but it is absolutely correct in its insight. All of the politics and all the in-your-face immorality have come as the result of a culture that cries for tolerance. There is a constant barrage from the media and the entertainment industry that attempts to make the gross and disgusting look normal and mainstream. As the attack on God and His Word continues, anyone who wants to stand for God and the Bible is labeled a heretic, a hater, and an insolent person. This all would not be that big of a challenge for Christians if at the same time we weren’t living in a world where it is unpopular to be unpopular. The formation of our country actually originated from individuals who had once chosen to swim upstream. Such is no longer heroic. Has anyone noticed how even the Founding Fathers are now vilified? Has anyone noticed how the military which protects us is often disrespected and unappreciated? Has anyone noticed that the police who defend the rights of the community are all of a sudden public enemy number one? I wonder if there are still people in America who are willing to be free thinkers and not feel the pressures of fitting into a culture gone wrong? I wonder if there are still people in the church who are wiling to stand on the Bible instead of giving in to the pressures coming from religious friends who want to be accepted regardless of belief and practice? I wonder if there are still mothers and fathers who are willing to be unpopular with their children and discipline them – who teach morality – who don’t want to fit in with teenagers or be cool parents in the eyes of their teenagers’ friends? Is there anyone out there who has the courage to be unpopular? David O'Connell


Christ, Our Pattern There are many people in the Bible whose lives had one outstanding characteristic. When we think of faith, Abraham comes to mind. If we are discussing meekness, Moses would certainly stand out. One can hardly say the name of Job without thinking of patience. Wisdom certainly brings to mind Solomon. In the New Testament, if we are studying zeal, Paul’s name would be at the top of the list. If one wanted to think of a Biblical character who personified love, then the apostle John would certainly be a good example. However, even though all of these faithful followers of God are excellent examples of various spiritual qualities, for the Christian, the supreme example is always going to be Jesus, God’s Son. The apostle Peter told the early disciples that Jesus had suffered, “leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps” (I Peter 2:21). Paul encouraged the saints at Corinth to “be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ” (I Corinthians 11:1). The inspired apostle also wrote to Christians saying, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). How does one become like Christ? We need to read the gospel accounts and focus on the spiritual characteristics that Jesus lived every day of His life. When we see Christ’s submission to God, the Father; His humility; His sacrificial nature; His love; His compassion; His mercy; His forgiveness; His courage; and His joy for living, we see what we can become. Paul spoke of this when he said, “But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory” (II Corinthians 3:18). When we focus on Christ and make Him the pattern for our lives, not only will we be enriched, but we will ascend to spiritual plateaus of which we have never dreamed. David O’Connell


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118 E. Mobile Street, Suite 103, Florence
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